Winter Spells: a class on herbal wintering (online)


Winter Spells: a class on herbal wintering (online)


Winter Spells: a class on herbal wintering: this is an online class! We will meet live on zoom, Sunday January 14th 1-3 pm EST. The class will also be recorded for those who can’t make it in real time.

Herbal wintering is a term I’ve come up with over the years that encompasses all the many tricks and tools in our wellness back pockets to enable us to winter well. From recipes to writings to hydrotherapy to tinctures, I will be sharing all the learning I’ve amassed over the years to help not only get through but thrive during these dark, cold winter months. We’ll talk about herbs for cold & flu care, good sleep, and mental health. We’ll talk about herbal baths and other hydrotherapy techniques. Kitchen remedies and ways to incorporate herbs into your winter meals. And so much more! There will be poetry and a writing prompt! Come in your cozies with your hot tea or cocoa. The cost of the class is $30.

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